Remember, as it stands, your access to UK state pension rights is unaffected by Brexit, directly at least. This has been agreed in early 2019 between the British and Irish governments in a bilateral agreement. However, the Law of Unintended Consequences applies to Brexit too.
Press commentary suggests that the traditionally efficient functioning of British public institutions is under severe strain arising from an extra workload with Brexit preparations, and indeed, the cumulative effect of public sector underspending and cutbacks since 2010. Naturally, HM Revenue & Customs are not exempt from this as the following article shows:
What does this mean for you? Well, it suggests at a minimum that you can expect long delays in extracting the required information on your UK state pension status, your national insurance record. It now can take up to 8 months to get a response from HM Revenue & Customs! And, in the normal to and fro of these exchanges the cumulative effect of the delays can now be much longer!
What should you do? Well, did you spend time previously (does not matter how long ago) working in the UK? Did you pay National Insurance contributions? Well, chances are you may have accrued some UK state pension rights. If you think you have some benefits under the UK state pension system, get started now but be prepared for a lengthy wait. Just remember, it could be well worth it. You have paid for it so, do not leave it behind you.
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